Lars Janas is from Germany and is studying Industrial Design Engineering at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Currently, Lars is pursuing a Minor program for design engineering at Howest University of Applied Sciences, learning in-depth about designing for industry and taking on cool projects increasing design capabilities by the day.
Working on real-life projects alongside companies to create effective solutions is a truly exciting and rewarding experience. Collaborating in a group setting allows one to
share unique visions and exchange feedback with one's team members to continuously improve.

Lars says, 
”In my opinion, good design starts with the intent to solve problems in a way that it adds richness to life. Effective communication is a key factor because design is from people for people.”

2021 - 2025
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor of Science Industrial Design Engineering

2018 - 2021
Berufliches Gymnasium für Technik Geldern
Allgemeine Hochschulreife Abitur (A levels) (VWO)

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